1997 Janet Reno Speech For Sale:
Behind the Stained Glass: A History of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Until Justice Rolls Down: The Birmingham Church Bombing Case
1 1 2 3 4 5 SPEECH OF UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL 6 JANET RENO 7 8 9 10 JANUARY 15, 1997 11 12 13 10:30 A.M. 14 15 16TH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 16 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 17 18 19 20 REPORTED BY: ELEANOR S. PICKETT 21 CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 22 23 24 25 2 1 JANUARY 15, 1997 10:30 A.M. 2 3 MS. RENO: Thank you so much. I am so 4 very honored to be here today at the 16th Street 5 Baptist Church. And, Reverend Hamlin, I want to 6 thank you for making me feel so welcome. Thank 7 you for making me feel so welcome today and at 8 home. 9 I am humbled by the opportunity to 10 speak to you today, a day of such special 11 importance to all this nation, the birth date of 12 Dr. Martin Luther King. I wish every American 13 could spend time, as I have this morning, walking 14 through the Civil Rights Institute across the 15 street reading and rereading some of Dr. King's 16 speeches, hearing them directly as he said them 17 and trying to imagine what those days of April 18 and May and September of 1963 were like. 19 Martin Luther King was a man who saw 20 wrong and never ceased trying to right it. He 21 felt the weight of oppression and he was never 22 ever broken by it. His life embodied and he 23 helped to define the true spirit of this great 24 nation, our quest for justice. And he was able 25 to express his outrage in yearning for justice so 3 1 forcefully and so eloquently that he reached into 2 the soul of America and America responded. 3 Dr. King had the strength of spirit to 4 withstand jail and march in the midst of angry 5 racism and he had the courage to battle hate with 6 love. He did all this to bring America together 7 as never before. 8 It was here in Birmingham and here at 9 the 16th Street Baptist Church that America 10 witnessed some of the most heroic efforts and 11 some of the lowest, darkest moments of the civil 12 rights struggle. It was here in this church 13 thirty-four years ago that an ugly, horrible 14 racist attack took the innocent lives of four 15 young girls who were getting ready to participate 16 in their first adult service. They were growing 17 up. I'm honored that Altha Robertson and 18 Commissioner Chris McNair and Ms. McNair and the 19 Collins family are here with us today. 20 Let me say to you today what Dr. King 21 said thirty-four years ago. Death is not an end 22 for these girls. They are living still in our 23 memory and their power still moves us. 24 It was from this very church earlier in 25 that same year that thousands of young people, 4 1 children really, assembled for a nonviolent 2 demonstration and they went to jail to protest 3 segregation. The next day when more students and 4 adults went to demonstrate, Bull Connor let loose 5 his dogs, his clubs and his hoses right outside 6 here in Kelly Ingram Park. We walked across that 7 park this morning to imagine what it was like 8 then and to see what it has become is a monument 9 to Dr. King and to the people of Birmingham who 10 care and will not stop in their quest for 11 liberty, for justice and in the efforts to bring 12 this nation together. 13 Those demonstrations broke the back of 14 segregation in Birmingham and helped America come 15 together. These are there to remind us of the 16 courage of ordinary citizens who daily met with 17 hateful, hateful prejudice. These are to remind 18 us of what one person can do, young or old, 19 student or preacher. Each one of us can make a 20 difference. 21 Martin Luther King was right when he 22 said that one day the South will recognize its 23 real heroes. One of those real heroes here in 24 Birmingham was Arthur Shores who died just late 25 last year. As one of the only African-American 5 1 practicing attorneys in Alabama in the 1940s, Mr. 2 Shores was a lone voice in the wilderness 3 defending the civil rights of his people. He 4 played a critical role during the '60s when he 5 represented Dr. King and Fred Shuttlesworth. Dr. 6 King, Arthur Shores, so many others, children, 7 all are true heroes in the struggle for freedom 8 and for civil rights for all in this country. 9 They did so much to eliminate discrimination and 10 hatred and to bring America together, but we must 11 carry on. 12 There is today, as we try to carry on, 13 real disagreement about what civil rights in 14 today's world really means. There are some who 15 think that we have gone too far, who think that 16 we have already achieved the aims of the civil 17 rights movement. I say that's not so. There are 18 others who challenge the value and the fairness 19 of the remedies of the civil rights movement. 20 Some Americans, including some minorities, now 21 question whether integration is still a valid 22 goal. I fear that what national consensus we 23 have on civil rights may be at the risk of 24 unravelling. And efforts to divide us along racial 25 lines for political advantage or worse leave many 6 1 wondering whether we'll move forward or slip 2 backward in our common struggle for equal 3 opportunity and fundamental fairness for every 4 single American. 5 I say that we will move forward. I see 6 the city of Birmingham saying we will move 7 forward. We will not let be undone what those 8 heroes in those days of the '60s worked so hard 9 and gave their lives and support for this 10 nation. 11 But as we move forward, it is not 12 enough to dismiss every criticism as 13 mean-spirited racism or narrow-minded ignorance. 14 We need to examine ourselves and our world with a 15 critical eye and an open mind. We have to ask 16 the difficult questions and attempt to answer 17 them. We must talk openly about race relations 18 in this country. We must talk with respect, we 19 must listen with a listening ear, we must get rid 20 of the angry rhetoric that has so marked this 21 issue in so many instances of late. 22 We know that not all our ills are 23 explained by racism and other bias, but we also 24 know that hate and prejudice and intolerance and 25 discrimination still persist today and we can't 7 1 tolerate that. 2 Our challenge is to remind ourselves of 3 our common interests, our common ground and to 4 remind ourselves of our common dreams. At 5 bottom, the needs of those in the black 6 community, the Hispanic community, the 7 Asian-American community are all the same as 8 those in the white community. Everyone wants a 9 healthy start for their children, a stable and 10 crime-free neighborhood, quality education, 11 supportive families and decent work 12 opportunities. And remember that it was blacks 13 and Hispanics and Asian-Americans and whites who 14 fought so hard and some who gave their lives to 15 defend this nation against the dark forces of 16 tyranny as we saw in the moving ceremony this 17 week when the seven brave solders were finally 18 properly recognized. 19 We must recognize and reaffirm the ties 20 that bind us and understand that we can't solve 21 the problems of crime, of terrorism, of disease, 22 of poverty in isolation each from the other. We 23 must recognize our common humanity and by 24 listening closely and reaching out to each other, 25 we will find that there are ways to bring us 8 1 together even more closely to bridge the 2 differences that improperly separate us and to 3 reaffirm our commitment to civil rights in 4 America. We have much to do. For too often we 5 live in our insular worlds with each of us 6 enforcing our own voluntary racial separation. 7 We pass each other on the streets or in the 8 shopping mall, but we don't connect as 9 individuals. We work together or we go to school 10 together and we don't connect as individuals. 11 A 1995 Washington Post poll found that 12 virtually half of those surveyed did not feel it 13 was important that different racial or ethnic 14 groups should live, go to school or work together 15 so long as they were treated fairly. But this 16 attitude comes dangerously close to the separate 17 but equal doctrine that was so rightly rejected 18 in Brown versus Board of Education. With this 19 separation, we risk a lack of understanding of 20 and appreciation for the views and the 21 perspectives of others. We risk not learning of 22 wonderful racial, ethnic and cultural traditions 23 that make this country strong. Dr. King knew 24 that you could eliminate legal segregation and 25 still not achieve integration. True integration 9 1 he believed would be achieved by true neighbors. 2 This week especially, but in all weeks 3 -- my mother said you should never celebrate 4 Mother's Day because every day should be Mother's 5 Day. But this week especially I would ask each 6 one of us to reach out across racial differences 7 to someone you work with or go to school with but 8 really don't know. This weekend visit a church 9 or temple with a different congregation so that 10 this Sunday morning is not, in Dr. King's word, 11 the most segregated hour in America. Take these 12 small steps in our efforts to rebuild a sense of 13 community where diversity is valued and 14 intolerance is unacceptable. But we must do more 15 by reaching out to help others regardless of race 16 or ethnic background to reweave the fabric of 17 community around us all. 18 Recently I spent a Saturday working for 19 Habitat for Humanity. By the end of the day, 20 blacks, whites, and Cuban-Americans had paint on 21 their face, plaster in their hair and a new 22 spirit in their hearts. Each of us can reach out 23 to lend a hand, lift a spirit and bring America 24 together. 25 President Clinton has made it a 10 1 cornerstone of his agenda for the next term to 2 unify the nation around its core values. He has 3 pledged to bring us together, to bring the 4 diverse strands of our people together and to 5 foster an environment of reconciliation and 6 mutual respect. The part says revolution, but 7 the final word is reconciliation. These values 8 are at the heart of civil rights and shape our 9 civil rights agendas for the next term. 10 In this past year, we have seen a clear 11 example of the challenges we still face to 12 protect our civil rights and to eliminate hatred 13 from this land. The senseless rash of church 14 burnings that have victimized and traumatized 15 congregations and communities has stirred the 16 national conscience. Any sort of desecration of 17 any place of worship is among the most despicable 18 crimes, reaching to the most deeply felt of all 19 American tenets, freedom of religion. But the 20 destruction particularly by fire of an 21 African-American church resonates especially 22 deeply in this country, harkening back to the 23 bleak period when the bombing here at the 16th 24 Street Baptist Church was one of many. And it is 25 for these and many more reasons that the 11 1 President has made it a top priority to prosecute 2 those responsible for these origins, to prevent 3 future damages of houses of worship and to help 4 communities and congregations in their efforts to 5 rebuild. 6 We have deployed over two hundred ATF 7 and FBI investigations around the country to 8 investigate these arsons. The National Church 9 Arson Task Force is co-chaired by Assistant 10 Attorney General Deval Patrick and Assistant 11 Treasury Secretary James Johnson, and it has 12 responded to these crimes by bringing together as 13 partners the FBI, the ATF, Justice Department 14 prosecutors, the United States attorneys have 15 done such a wonderful job, the Community 16 Relations Service, the Marshal Services in 17 partnership with state and local law 18 enforcement. We are committed to expending the 19 necessary resources, the time and the effort to 20 solve these crimes, and we are going to keep on 21 working on it until we bring the people 22 responsible for these desecrations to justice. 23 But there is a tremendous difference 24 between the fires thirty years ago and those of 25 today. Church attacks then had the support of 12 1 too many people in the community. Today the 2 reaction across this nation has been universal 3 outrage. These attacks are rightly seen as a 4 threat to our common sense of sanctuary. These 5 fires have also generated a tremendous response 6 from our community, solidarity among followers of 7 many faiths, donations of money, church robes, 8 hymnals, pews and pianos, countless volunteers to 9 help in rebuilding and preventing further 10 tragedy. 11 It is a wonderful experience to hear a 12 young teenager talk with pride of her trip to the 13 South to help rebuild one of the churches 14 attacked and to hear her talk of the welcome that 15 she was given by that community. 16 This past year I traveled down a little 17 old dirt road in South Carolina with the 18 President to see the site of a church that was 19 burned, only a magnificent oak tree which had 20 half covered the church still stood. But then we 21 went further down that road to dedicate the new 22 church. The people of that community, black and 23 white, came together to speak out against the 24 hatred that had spawned that fire. Haters are 25 cowards. When they are confronted, they will 13 1 often back down. It is so important for all 2 America to speak with one voice and consistently 3 against the hate and the bigotry that is 4 sometimes in our midst. 5 And there is a common thread through 6 this nation. As I turned and walked off the 7 platform after the church dedication, a woman 8 burst through the lines and came up and gave me a 9 big hug and said, "Hello, Janet. I used to live 10 in Miami. You got me child support. And I want 11 you to see the two young men you got child 12 support for. And they are taller than me." 13 Our experience with church fires shows 14 us at the very same time how much we have 15 achieved and yet how much, much more we have to 16 do. Yes, we have seen remarkable progress in our 17 efforts to bridge the gap between our ideals and 18 the harsh reality of the daily experience of many 19 citizens. Our national journey has taken us from 20 segregated classrooms to integrated ones, from 21 Jim Crow laws to civil rights laws for women, 22 minorities and persons with disabilities, from 23 literacy tests for voting to minority 24 representation here in Alabama at every level of 25 government, including the mayor of Birmingham and 14 1 Congressman Hilliard in the Alabama Congressional 2 Delegation. And the political inclusion that has 3 been brought about by the Voting Rights Act has 4 led to so much in our progress. 5 Just today the federal government is 6 announcing additional resources to preserve the 7 historic Selma-to-Montgomery trail that Dr. King 8 and others marched along to dramatize the need 9 for the Voting Rights Act. 10 We have come a long way, but thirty 11 years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act 12 and forty years after Brown versus Board of 13 Education, racial prejudice and the corrosive 14 effects of discrimination are still with us. 15 We cannot say that we have completed 16 our journey when even today blacks and Hispanics 17 and in many cases women still have a harder time 18 of getting into college, renting an apartment, 19 getting a job or obtaining a loan. 20 We have not completed our journey when 21 the unemployment rate for black males is still 22 twice as high as it is for white males. Even 23 college-educated black, Hispanic, Asian-American 24 men and women of every race and ethnic background 25 are paid less than comparably educated, 15 1 comparably trained white men. That's not right. 2 These problems are doubly difficult for 3 black and Hispanic men and women who also have 4 disabilities. Worst of all, reports of violent 5 hate crimes against minorities and gays and 6 lesbians are disturbingly high. If some of the 7 church fires are any indication, hate itself has 8 become more brazen. 9 We have changed our laws, but we have 10 not always changed our ways. Old habits die 11 hard. Attitudes evolve slowly. We must do more, 12 much more to open the doors of opportunity so 13 that every American can share in and fully 14 contribute to America's magnificent bounty. 15 The Department of Justice is committed 16 to our mission which is, simply stated, to 17 enforce the civil rights laws of this nation as 18 vigorously and as faithfully as possible without 19 fear or favor. I care so deeply about this 20 mission which is one of the highest priorities of 21 the Department of Justice. I'm one of the most 22 fortunate people in the world in this last term 23 to have Deval Patrick as the Assistant Attorney 24 General in charge of the Civil Rights Division. 25 He is one of the finest people I have ever known 16 1 and one of the great public servants I have ever 2 had the opportunity to work with. 3 He will be leaving at the end of this 4 month to return to Boston to be with his family, 5 and I think this nation, and I know I will, will 6 miss his leadership, his vision, his intelligence 7 and his courage. 8 The Division, the Civil Rights 9 Division, had a reception for him yesterday and 10 they promised him that they would not let our 11 efforts to enforce the civil rights laws of this 12 country be diminished in any way. And I think 13 that's going to be their ultimate tribute to 14 Deval Patrick. 15 We will be ever vigilant and ever 16 forceful in bringing our cases, and I would like 17 to highlight four areas which reflect our 18 commitment to combating discrimination and to 19 building trust and understanding among all 20 Americans. 21 First is fair housing and fair lending, 22 including business lending. Second is employment 23 and affirmative action. Third is education. And 24 fourth is the building of trust between law 25 enforcement and the minority community. 17 1 In the next four years, I want to 2 expand on our success in the area of fair lending 3 and fair housing. Home ownership has profound 4 significance in this country, and it is still at 5 the center of the American dream. Yet many 6 Americans are kept from that dream when they 7 can't get a home mortgage and when they are 8 denied home mortgages or property insurance on 9 account of their race or national origin. 10 For years, disparities were explained 11 in the industry as being justified solely by 12 differences in creditworthiness. But the studies 13 over the last several years have too often proved 14 that explanation is flat and simply wrong. 15 Black and Hispanic applicants for loans 16 are being denied financing at a much greater rate 17 than white applicants with virtually identical 18 qualifications. Some banks have simply not done 19 business in minority neighborhoods, while others 20 charge higher rates or add extra charges to their 21 loans in minority areas. 22 We have used a two-prong approach to 23 address this problem. First we have worked with 24 the banking industry that wants to do right to 25 reform their practices, and, secondly, for those 18 1 who thumbed their noses, we have sued them and we 2 are going to do whatever is necessary. 3 We are not asking banks to make bad 4 loans. We are telling them that there is some 5 business there that's good business that should 6 not have been rejected on the grounds of race or 7 national origin. And we are working with them to 8 train their employees in practices and procedures 9 that ensure that there is no discrimination. The 10 results of these efforts have been remarkable in 11 a very short period of time. 12 In part due to what we have done and 13 due in part to other factors, we have expanded 14 the availability of loans to minorities. Between 15 1992 and 1995, the numbers of home loans to 16 minorities grew more than one hundred percent, 17 twice the growth rate for home loans generally. 18 Here in Alabama, the number of home loans to 19 minority borrowers increased one hundred and 20 twenty-two percent from 1992 to 1995, nearly 21 three times the increase in lending to borrowers 22 in the Alabama market as a whole. 23 We are also increasing our fair housing 24 activity in Alabama and around the nation. The 25 Civil Rights Division sent fair housing testers 19 1 to Montgomery. Last summer we filed a record- 2 setting one point eight million dollar settlement 3 for housing discrimination against the owner of a 4 number of apartment complexes in Mobile. We also 5 work closely with fair housing groups that 6 recently have been established in Birmingham and 7 Montgomery. This type of work is taking place 8 across the country. We will continue to try to 9 eliminate discrimination in the housing and 10 lending market so that all Americans can pursue 11 their dream of home ownership. 12 I want to expand our fair lending work 13 into the area of business lending. Access to 14 capital is one of the most formidable barriers to 15 the formation and development of minority 16 businesses. Several studies have shown that 17 minority applicants for business loans are more 18 likely to be rejected, and when accepted, receive 19 smaller loan amounts than white applicants with 20 identical borrowing credentials. One recent 21 Colorado study found that African-Americans were 22 three times more likely to be rejected for 23 business loans than whites, and that Hispanic 24 owners were one and a half times more likely to 25 be denied a business loan. That's not right, and 20 1 the Department of Justice is exploring ways that 2 we can effectively confront discrimination in 3 this arena. 4 In the next four years we will oppose 5 efforts to limit our ability as a society to 6 address unequal opportunity in the economy. We 7 must do more to tap the inherent potential in 8 every one of our citizens. For far too many, the 9 promise of economic opportunity has a very hollow 10 ring. All too often we learn of blatant 11 discriminatory conduct in the employment context, 12 discrimination based on race, gender or sexual 13 orientation. But also there are more subtle 14 influences of subjective factors making it more 15 likely that we will hire and promote others like 16 us with whom we may feel more comfortable. 17 Social ties are often more important than actual 18 experience and qualifications. 19 Some of the starkest evidence of this 20 type of behavior comes from testing studies where 21 white males receive fifty percent more job offers 22 than minorities with the same qualifications 23 applying for the same job. And the report of the 24 Glass Ceiling Commission demonstrates that once 25 minorities are in the workplace, their 21 1 advancement is often hampered by discrimination. 2 The EEOC is the prime federal agency 3 that sues over employment discrimination in the 4 private sector. The Justice Department has 5 responsibility over discrimination by public 6 employers. But it is important to have a clear 7 picture of discrimination in the workplace so 8 that it can be addressed by the government as a 9 whole. 10 The reality of current and ongoing 11 discrimination was at the very heart of the 12 President's decision to continue to support 13 affirmative action. 14 In July of 1995, the President made 15 clear that as a nation, we will not abandon our 16 commitment to equal opportunity. But he also 17 made clear that we need to refine the tool of 18 affirmative action so that it can be used fairly 19 and effectively to help our society achieve its 20 goal of integration and the elimination of 21 discrimination. He said that we needed to mend, 22 not end, affirmative action. 23 At the same time, the Supreme Court 24 ruled in the Adarand case that when the federal 25 government uses affirmative action, it has to do 22 1 so in an especially careful way. But in writing 2 for the court, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor 3 recognized the unhappy persistence of both the 4 practice and the lingering effects of racial 5 discrimination against minority groups. She 6 confirmed that under the constitution, government 7 has an obligation to address it and we will not 8 shirk from that obligation. 9 This is one reason why we think 10 California's Proposition 209, which establishes a 11 sweeping ban on affirmative action in the state, 12 is both unconstitutional and bad policy. It 13 would prevent local jurisdictions and state 14 agencies from recognizing the need for 15 additional, well-fashioned affirmative action 16 measures to overcome the effects of past 17 discrimination and bring minorities into the 18 economic mainstream. It would prevent victims of 19 racial discrimination and gender discrimination 20 from obtaining relief from local governments and 21 state agencies short of amending the state 22 constitution. 23 By singling out race and gender for 24 this distortion of the ordinary political 25 process, Proposition 209 denies equal protection 23 1 of the laws. A federal judge just enjoined the 2 state from implementing the California 3 initiative. We agree with the court, and the 4 Department of Justice will defend that decision. 5 It is also why efforts in Congress to 6 curtail affirmative action by the federal 7 government are misguided and counterproductive 8 towards our efforts of bringing this nation 9 together and ensuring liberty and equality for 10 all. 11 The Justice Department in light of the 12 Adarand decision is already making certain that 13 federal government programs now in place are fair 14 and flexible and meet the constitutional standard 15 described by Justice O'Connor. And the President 16 and I will continue to oppose at every step of 17 the way any wholesale ban on affirmative action 18 in federal law. 19 I recognize that there are those who 20 believe that affirmative action is unfair. They 21 feel that they are being forced to pay for 22 others' past sins and that affirmative action 23 gives special preferences to minority groups and 24 women. However, the fact that many minorities 25 and women are still struggling at the bottom of 24 1 the economic ladder suggests that this criticism 2 misses the mark. Society's reality belies all 3 the purported special treatment for minorities. 4 Concerns about affirmative action must be 5 addressed, but all too often these concerns are 6 based on misperceptions about what the programs 7 are all about. The abuses can and will be 8 fixed. But when affirmative action is done 9 right, there are no quotas, there are no 10 preferences for the unqualified, and the programs 11 end when the objectives have been achieved. When 12 affirmative action is done right, it ensures 13 equal opportunity. When affirmative action is 14 done right, it corrects for the effects of both 15 past and continuing discrimination. And when 16 affirmative action is done right, it is an 17 important tool in reaching our goal of an America 18 coming together. Because of our efforts to 19 eliminate discrimination and provide equal 20 opportunity to all, our nation's workplaces are 21 much more diverse than they ever were and our 22 nation's economy is stronger for the effort. 23 Of course, equal opportunity in the 24 economic sphere can only be achieved if our 25 citizens are prepared to take advantage of these 25 1 opportunities. In the next four years, the civil 2 rights agenda must also include ensuring that 3 educational institutions are equally accessible 4 to women and to minorities. 5 As a nation, we have made great strides 6 in broadening opportunities in higher education. 7 Just since 1990, the numbers of Hispanics 8 enrolled in colleges and universities has 9 increased by thirty-five percent, Asian-Americans 10 by thirty-five percent; and since 1990, 11 African-Americans' enrollment in higher education 12 has increased by sixteen percent. The number of 13 minorities graduating from colleges and 14 universities is also rising, and that benefits 15 all America for that fuels the economy, provides 16 the people with skills who can run this engine 17 that fuels the economy that maintains this nation 18 as a great nation. 19 Greater integration has meant a better 20 education for all of the students involved. 21 Education depends on dialogue, not just between 22 students and teacher, but between the student and 23 his or her classmates. For over twenty years, 24 our laws have recognized the important value of 25 diversity in education. 26 1 Last year, however, a federal appeals 2 court in Texas ruled that this is no longer good 3 law. This is the Hopwood case which ruled that 4 diversity did not justify affirmative action in 5 education. We disagree strongly with that 6 decision. The Supreme Court declined to take the 7 case on procedure grounds, so the issue is still 8 an open one. We continue to believe that if the 9 setting in which the students learn looks more 10 like the world, their education will be better 11 and stronger and prepare them better for the 12 future. 13 It may also be useful to ask, what do 14 we mean when we say someone is qualified or more 15 qualified for admission to college or to graduate 16 school. We are making judgments about people 17 before they have really had a chance to do 18 anything. Education is the first rung on the 19 ladder of opportunity. Getting an education is 20 how you get ahead. And I just don't think it 21 makes sense to deny that chance to someone based 22 solely on a one size fits all test. You have to 23 look, not just at test scores, but at what that 24 individual will bring to that school and to that 25 community and to this nation and you have to look 27 1 at what the benefits of integration will bring to 2 society as a whole. 3 Let me give you just one example of a 4 broader view of merit and the benefits of 5 diversity. A study of University of California 6 Medical School graduates examined where doctors 7 practiced after graduation. A much higher 8 percentage of minority graduates than white 9 graduates practiced in areas that were 10 underserved by the medical profession. Because 11 that medical school is diverse, California has 12 better medical care. 13 Abraham Lincoln said that a house 14 divided cannot stand and that a nation divided 15 cannot stand. I believe so strongly that we 16 cannot have a divided nation, one exposed to 17 education and the other not. We have to do more 18 so that every student has access to education. 19 Because that young man who is the first in his 20 family to go to college will likely become a 21 father, and his son or daughter and this nation 22 will be the beneficiaries. 23 We must also reemphasize quality in 24 education as well as racial integration as goals 25 of the post-Brown struggle. A place in an 28 1 integrated classroom is worth having only if it 2 provides our children with a true opportunity to 3 learn. We have to do more to address the 4 inequality among the schools in our communities 5 for it is unfortunately true that because of 6 economic inequality, many predominantly minority 7 schools tend to receive much inferior resources 8 than those received by predominantly white 9 schools. We need to find ways to develop and to 10 finance city school systems that will keep 11 families, both black and white, in the public 12 school and give them an education that will help 13 them meet the challenges of this next exciting 14 century of the information age. 15 These are daunting challenges. But if 16 forty years ago those children and their parents 17 in Topeka, Kansas and in Little Rock, Arkansas 18 and Clarendon County, South Carolina had the 19 strength and the courage to face down an 20 intractable establishment, hell bent on 21 segregation, then I am not ready to say that 22 today's challenges are beyond our grasp, and I 23 don't think America is either. 24 Another crucial item on the agenda for 25 the next four years is an effort to build a 29 1 greater sense of community and trust between law 2 enforcement and the minority community. There is 3 no other area where the potential for 4 misunderstanding and miscommunication can have 5 such dangerous consequences. Just in the past 6 year, we have seen in St. Petersburg the danger 7 of pent-up frustrations and a breakdown in 8 community relations. And yet, at the same time, 9 we must recognize that minorities are 10 disproportionately victims of crime. Nothing is 11 more important than a safe environment. The 12 quality of the school a child attends will matter 13 less if she is not safe in getting there or while 14 she is at school. So it is an absolute 15 imperative that we establish better trust, 16 cooperation and communication between the 17 community and the police. 18 There are several ways we can set about 19 doing that. First, through community policing, 20 we bring law enforcement to the neighborhood 21 level. We have police officers who are committed 22 to serve the community, who reach out to the 23 neighbors, who involve them in identifying the 24 problems in the community and establishing 25 priorities and in working together to achieve 30 1 solutions. That police officer, rather than 2 creating division, reaches out to build trust. 3 He becomes the mentor. The elderly woman who 4 would not walk out from behind her door because 5 she is afraid now walks down to the community 6 center to tell people what she thinks should be 7 done, and we see communities coming together when 8 community police reach out in thoughtfulness and 9 respect and involve the people of this country in 10 building security for us all. 11 Second we must continue to encourage 12 diversity and understanding in all law 13 enforcement. In years past, too many police 14 departments had no black or Hispanic officers, 15 few had women officers. Now we have not just men 16 in blue, but women in blue. Not just whites, but 17 people of all colors. People who patrol the 18 neighborhoods they grew up in, people who know 19 the languages spoken there, men and women our 20 youth can look up to as role models. And these 21 police officers are teaching each other how to 22 value and to appreciate the diversity and the 23 wonder of the tradition of the neighbors they 24 serve. 25 Third, we must continue our vigorous 31 1 enforcement of civil rights laws. This must be 2 combined with additional effective training 3 efforts. 4 There are approximately six hundred 5 ninety thousand law enforcement officers in this 6 country. The vast majority are honest, hard 7 working and law abiding. They put their lives on 8 the line every day for us in the pursuit of 9 justice. Yet police chiefs and rank and file 10 officers alike tell me to maintain the confidence 11 in the community, we must take decisive action 12 against those few officers who abuse their power 13 and deny citizens their constitutional rights by 14 use of excessive force or harassment. The 15 Department of Justice plays a crucial role here 16 through the use of civil rights prosecutions and 17 criminal sanctions, and we will use our criminal 18 and civil authority when the evidence and when 19 the law justifies it and we will pursue each 20 allegation. But at the same time we are working 21 with law enforcement agencies in training 22 programs that teach officers how to better serve 23 their community, how to involve the community and 24 how to make a difference. 25 So we have come a long way since Dr. 32 1 King reached into the soul of America, challenged 2 its conscience and brought us together as never 3 before. But at the same time, hate, 4 discrimination and intolerance still raised their 5 heads and efforts to divide us rise up. 6 We must today and every day rededicate 7 ourselves to meeting Dr. King's challenge, his 8 challenge to our conscience to seek freedom, 9 liberty and justice for all, to come together as 10 one nation while cherishing the racial and ethnic 11 traditions and cultures that make this nation so 12 wonderfully and so magnificently diverse. To 13 some it is tempting in an uncertain and rapidly 14 changing world in economy to turn inward to 15 protect what they have and to let others fend for 16 themselves. Others just throw up their hands and 17 say I'm just one person, I can't make a 18 difference. But Americans throughout this nation 19 are making a difference as they reach out. Here 20 in Birmingham this morning you can feel the 21 excitement as people look on your city, a tiny 22 new city rising around the park. They took at 23 their history and build on the history to make 24 sure that what happened in 1963 will never happen 25 again. They are coming together to give children 33 1 a future, to bring people out from behind closed 2 doors, to involve America in the process of 3 community and to provide the glue that brings us 4 together. 5 In Dorchester, Massachusetts, I stand 6 with religious leaders and young African-American 7 students and white police officers as they have 8 joined together to significantly reduce the 9 incidence of youth violence in that community. 10 Now some of you may say but I'm too 11 old, I can't make a difference. Remember the 12 eighty-four-year-old man who once stood up in a 13 meeting and said do you know how old I am and 14 what I do three mornings a week? I'm eighty-four 15 and I volunteer as a teacher's aide. And the 16 young woman next to him stood up and said I'm the 17 first grade teacher for whom he volunteers. And 18 the children with learning disability can't wait 19 for their time with him because he has the 20 patience of Job and those who are gifted can't 21 wait for their time with him because he 22 challenges them far beyond what I can with the 23 number in my class. 24 Come with me to dispute resolution 25 programs in Washington, D. C. public schools 34 1 where white and black students are learning to 2 live together where they're working together to 3 resolve the disputes without knives and guns and 4 fists. Come with me across this country and you 5 will see so much of America coming together and 6 reaching out and making a difference in making 7 this a more peaceful nation that is together. 8 Take part and take hope. 9 But remember the children of 10 Birmingham, remember those four girls, and let us 11 focus for this next time on the children of 12 America, the right to a mortgage, the right to 13 equal opportunity for a home. Equal opportunity 14 for an education won't mean very much if that 15 young person does not live to seize that 16 opportunity. Let us come together as one nation 17 to say that we will stop youth violence in this 18 nation. We will stop youth killing. We will 19 work together to give them their foundation in 20 which they can grow as strong, constructive human 21 beings. This nation is coming together to do 22 that. 23 You can hear Dr. King telling us we're 24 not moving fast enough. Let us walk out of here 25 today and think of what each one of us can do to 35 1 make a difference in the lives of all Americans 2 and in the name of the children who walked out 3 the door of this church or the children who died 4 here, let us give all American children a future 5 of peace, of liberty, of freedom, and of justice 6 for all. 7 8 END OF SPEECH 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 36 1 CERTIFICATE OF REPORTER 2 3 4 5 STATE OF ALABAMA) 6 JEFFERSON COUNTY) 7 8 9 10 I, Eleanor S. Pickett, the officer 11 before whom the foregoing speech was taken, do 12 hereby certify that the foregoing speech was 13 taken by me to the best of my ability and 14 thereafter reduced to typewriting under my 15 direction. 16 17 18 Notary Public in and for 19 the State of Alabama 20 21 22 23 My commission expires: April 1997 24 25 |
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